MUSC Psychiatry Chair Update | June 24, 2021
June 24, 2021
MUSC Psychiatry Chair Update
Thomas W. Uhde, M.D.
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Institute of Psychiatry
A New Outlook on Treatments for
Preschool-age Children with ADHD

MUSC Children’s Health developmental pediatrician Angela LaRosa, M.D., recently led the MUSC site of the largest study to date of treatments for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in preschool-age children.


One out of every 50 preschool-age children is diagnosed with ADHD, according to LaRosa. If left untreated, ADHD can put children at increased risk for poor academic achievement and make it more difficult for them to mature emotionally and socially.


The study, sponsored by the Developmental Behavioral Pediatrics Network (DBPNet) and led by investigators at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia and Boston Children’s Hospital, compared the records of nearly 500 preschoolers who had been treated with either the stimulant methylphenidate or alpha-2 adrenergic agonists. The team found that both treatments had good efficacy, but the alpha-2 agonists had a better side-effect profile. The team’s findings are published in the April issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association.


“The literature on the treatment of ADHD in preschool children has been limited, and this study is the largest retrospective review of treatment efficacy and side effects for the most common medications currently prescribed,” said LaRosa. “It provides data to support the efficacy of the alpha-2 agonists and stimulant medications in this population.”

Congratulations to our residency and fellowship graduates, as well as award recipients at the MUSC Department of Psychiatry Graduation and Academic Recognition Ceremony! A full list of graduates and award recipients can be found here.

Drs. Dean Kilpatrick, Alyssa Rheingold, and Rochelle Hanson from the National Crime Victims Research and Treatment Center recently participated in an invited panel discussion of issues in compensation for mental health treatment of crime-related psychological injuries. This session was held on June 17, 2021 at the National Association of Crime Victim Compensation Boards (NACVB) Annual Meeting.


The NACVCB is a national professional organization comprised of members of the crime victim compensation agencies in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and U.S. territories. These agencies administer the crime victim compensation programs in these jurisdictions, and this panel discussion addressed several key issues including evidence-based mental health treatments for PTSD and related disorders, evaluation of pre-existing conditions, and appropriate length of treatment for crime-related mental health problems.


For anyone who is requesting promotion effective July 1, 2022, all promotion requests must be received in the Chair’s Office no later than August 12, 2021 in the form of complete packets accompanied by a letter of recommendation from your Division Director. Packets with checklists, requests for materials, and forms specific for regular and modified faculty have been developed to make the submission process more straightforward. Packets are available on the College of Medicine’s website. Follow this link:


Promotion to Associate Professor or Professor requires a minimum of four letters of recommendation, addressed to the Departmental Chair. Individuals selected to write the minimum four letters should be non-MUSC faculty in the candidate’s field at the academic rank of professor or its equivalent stature. At least two of these individuals should not be associated with the candidate by having been past mentors/teachers/students/trainees. We ask that you provide 4-6 names of individuals that we can contact to solicit letters of recommendation. 


The letter of recommendation from your Division Director must follow appendix 2 in the COM APT guidelines. Division Director letters should include the following paragraphs: introductory, education, research if applicable, scholarly publications, clinical practice if applicable, administration, and other activities and accomplishments.


If you have any questions, please contact Kristen Mulholland at

MUSC Executive Leadership has extended the Faculty Annual Leave cutback date to December 31, 2021. Based on the December 31 faculty cut back extension, all unused annual leave in excess of 360 hours, regardless of future leave approvals in the kronos system, will be cutback to 360 hours in January 2022.

We encourage you to review the annual leave balances for the faculty members in your areas and determine if you have individuals who stand to lose leave when the automatic reduction occurs, and if so, we ask that you share this information with them. We also ask that you update all leave records as necessary to ensure we have the correct leave balances on file before the automatic reduction occurs. Leave balances can be viewed directly using MyRecords, found on the Horseshoe under the Employee Corner,

Faculty members are eligible to donate annual leave to the catastrophic leave pool per the HRM Policy 48: Catastrophic Leave policy. Due to the extension, the Annual Leave Donation Form must be completed and sent to the HRM Leave Administrator ( or Fax 843-792-9533) by December 15, 2021.

If you have questions concerning annual leave cutbacks or accruals, please contact Monique Robinson at or 843-792-7225.

Supervisors are asked to distribute this information to the employees in the area in which they are responsible. Thank you.

On July 1, 2021 MUSC will be transitioning to the new Graduate and Undergraduate Medical Education Management platform MedHub and will discontinue the use of E*Value at that time.


Below is information relevant training and resources, including the MedHub Phone App, that has duty logging and evaluation functions for residents and fellows; faculty can also use the app for the evaluation piece, if they so choose.   


Psychiatry will continue to use our current separate leave tracking system for residents, and we are maintaining our resident schedules in the excel sheet as before during the transition. 


Our “intern skills” tracking process for psychiatry will revert to the pdf/paper form until we can determine the most effective way to present that in MedHub. The form will be distributed to all relevant supervisors and residents.





  • Complete Evaluations for residents and medical students
  • View Schedules
  • Verify Procedures/Skills observed by residents
  • See their own evaluations by trainees


There are many other features that you will find within MedHub, but the ones listed above will be the main items residents/faculty will use. Below are some links to user guides and instructions on how to use the MedHub app. The app will be the easiest way for faculty and residents to engage with items required of them in MedHub. In-person training is not offered; however, if there are any issues or questions, please feel free to reach out.


(NOTE: Not all faculty accounts are finished being setup in MedHub, so not everyone will be able to log in right now. The plan is to have all faculty accounts done by 6/25/21. Resident accounts should all be up and running at this time.)


User Guides (All located at



Setup & Use the MedHub App

MedHub QuickStart Guide

Enter/Manage Duty Hours



Setup & Use the MedHub App

MedHub QuickStart Guide


Please continue to use E*Value until the end of the month and on July 1 begin to use MedHub. All training materials, contact information, and the link to the MedHub login page can be found at


Drs. Flanagan, Back, and Squeglia are pleased to announce that applications are currently being accepted for the inaugural cohort of the Enhancing Diversity in Alcohol Research (EDAR) training program! This two-year, fully virtual, NIAAA-sponsored training program is open to psychology doctoral trainees from underrepresented backgrounds (per NIH NOT-OD-20-031). No prior alcohol research experience is required! 

More details are available in our EDAR Program Brochure. Please also contact Dr. Julianne Flanagan (Director) or Ms. Jocelyn Rogers (Coordinator) with questions.


Applications are due July 31, 2021 and include a brief online survey, a 1-2 page statement of interest, and current CV: Click here to apply to EDAR 


***Attention Faculty: Please contact us if you are interested

in becoming a prospective EDAR mentor!***

MUSC has been working with the South Carolina Hospital Association on a provider wellbeing initiative, Thriving Workforce, to address clinician burnout with funding from the Duke Endowment and partnership with SE Health. Through this collaboration, MUSC is able to offer two free resources as part of a wellbeing initiative. While anyone can take part in these activities, the COM has asked that at least 80% of the Department faculty participate in one of these program by June 30th in order to qualify for the COM value bonus program – a financial incentive program.  

You are welcome to use these programs as much as you like, but the ‘participation requirement’ is actually very minimal. The links below provide more information about these programs and how to easily access them.
  1. SE Healthcare’s Enrichment Center: Requires you to create an account, complete a brief (3-4 question survey) watch at least 3 videos (approximately 6-8 min each). The program offers on-demand wellness modules related to physician burnout. While this is meant for all healthcare providers, it is very physician centric. More Information

  2. Kumanu’s Purposeful App: Requires you create an account and complete a brief survey (3-4 questions). The program offers a more general program for anyone and supports daily purposeful positive habits. 
    We hope you find these resources beneficial and appreciate your time taking part. More Information
The South Carolina Clinical and Translational Research Institute is offering a Cultural Competency and Cultural Humility Training on June 25, from 9-11 am. Facilitated by Dr. Marvella Ford, the purpose of this training is to increase our understanding of how cultural humility can impact recruitment and retention in clinical trials and also impact the workplace environment for study staff/colleagues. The session will be conducted virtually and is limited to 20 attendees. Participants will receive 2.0 DEI credits.

Join the MUSC Psychiatry Team at the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention Out of the Darkness Charleston Area Walk! This year’s department goal is 25 participants and $5,000 (that’s $200 fundraising each!).


Date: 10/24/2021
Location: Riverfront Park 
Registration: 1:00 pm
Event Time: 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm


To register for fundraising and participation:

Questions? Email Meg Wallace at


The CPCS office is currently taking referrals for youth and adults for outpatient therapy and/or medication management. The CPCS office is located at 26 Bee Street and is seeing patients either virtually or in the office. All patients are self-pay at the time of the appointment and will be provided with the necessary paperwork to submit for reimbursement from their insurance companies. All department of psychiatry faculty members are eligible to see private patients in CPCS.


To make a referral or schedule an appointment, call 843-792-9396.


For more information about making a referral or joining the practice, feel free to contact Hilary Bernstein, LISW, DHA at


Check out our website:

Like our Facebook page: Comprehensive Psychiatric Care Specialists

The Medical University of South Carolina's values are the heart of the institution and each day these values are exhibited by employees who help to fulfill MUSC's vision statement, leading Health Innovation for the Lives We Touch.
Each year, the President's Values in Action award recognizes five deserving employees who demonstrate MUSC's five values: compassion, respect, innovation, collaboration, and integrity.
Award Submission Process
  • Fill Out the Nomination Form
    • Nomination information must include:
      • Sponsor Name, Email, Department
      • Nominee Name, Email, Department
      • Value Demonstrated: Compassion / Respect / Innovation / Collaboration / Integrity
      • A letter of recommendation from the sponsor, addressed to President Cole, explaining why the nominee is worthy of the award.
  • The deadline for nominations is October 19, 2021.
  • Nominees will be notified upon receipt of nomination. Sponsors will be copied on this notification as well. All nominees receive a certificate of nomination; sponsors of the five individuals selected for awards will receive a separate notification and details about award presentations in early November 2021.
  • Winners will be chosen by President Cole based on the award criteria outlined below:
    • Nominations are submitted to recognize an individual who has demonstrated one of the five institutional values within the course of the current calendar year between February and September 2021. Only five winners will be chosen during this time; one winner per MUSC value.
    • Nominees can be submitted from any department across the MUSC enterprise, including the MUSC Regional Health Network.
    • Nominations for individuals will be accepted. Self-nominations and team nominations will not be accepted.
    • Diversity, equity and inclusion is a priority for the criteria of the Values in Action award, as the aim is to offer an award and recognition opportunity to all department and team members. This will provide an inclusive opportunity to recognize values that are demonstrated from a variety of backgrounds and skill sets.



For specific questions regarding the Values in Action award, please contact Heather Woolwine.

Beginning February 1, 2021, the annual mandatory online lessons for all employees/care team members in MyQuest were assigned. MyQuest reminder emails and this notification are the only confirmations you will receive pertaining your mandatory assignments.
  • Starting in 2021, a new Diversity mandatory was added for all MUSC employees.
  • This is the second year employees/care team members/contractors can provide feedback via a REDcap survey at the end of each mandatory. MUSC subject experts review all feedback to improve each mandatory to ensure an optimal learning experience.
2021 MUSC General Mandatories (Enterprise-wide)
  • Crime Prevention and Jeanne Clery Act Training
  • Code of Conduct and HIPAA
  • Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
  • Prohibited Discrimination and Harassment
  • Information Security
  • Active Shooter
  • OSHA Review
  • Tuberculosis (Charleston only)
  • Conflict of Interest training (hourly employees only)
2021 MUSC Health Mandatory Training (Charleston, Florence, Lancaster Divisions)
  • MUSC Health General Compliance (+ Billing)
  • Culture of Safety
  • Emergency Management Campus Security
  • Infection Control for All Employees
  • Stroke and Heart Early Recognition
  • Meeting the Unique Needs of Patients
  • Workplace Violence
  • MR Safety for Healthcare Workers
  • Interest training (hourly employees only)
2021 Medical Staff Office - MSO Mandatories
  • Adult Inpatient Diabetes
  • Pediatric Inpatient Diabetes
  • Pediatric Inpatient Anticoagulation Safety
  • Health Information Services
  • Transfusion Medicine
  • Patient Safety Initiative
  • Sleep and Fatigue/Clinical
  • Adult Impatient Anticoagulation Safety
NEW Diversity Mandatory
  • As a part of MUSC's ongoing commitment to leading and learning in the domains of equity and inclusion, you will notice a new 4-hour Diversity Equity and Inclusion DEI mandatory for all MUSC employees. When we join in the learning about one another as we become OneMUSC. Three types of offerings include: virtual curriculum, face to face &/or “professional development option of choice” approved by your leader.
2021 Annual Clinical Education (MUSC Health Clinical Care Teams Only)
  • Varies depending on your clinical role
2021 Conflict of Interest Training (Hourly Care Team Members only)
  • Hourly employees are now excluded from the annual COI disclosure process. To ensure they continue to receive conflict of interest policy training, a COI module has been developed.
  • Salaried employees of the MUSC enterprise receive annual COI training every April, in combination with their annual COI disclosure form; training modules precede the mandatory disclosure.

All of the annual mandatory training modules must be completed no later than June 30, 2021. Employees who fail to complete annual mandatory training requirements will be subject to disciplinary actions. If you have any questions, please email the MyQuest Administrators at

Please see the calendar below for a list of diversity & inclusion offerings from the Office of Training and Intercultural Education.

A form is now available within MyQuest to request credit for D&I credit that has been received outside of those listed within MyQuest (e.g., D&I training received through a national conference). Please note, credit for outside D&I training is not guaranteed, and requests for credit will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.


The webpage for Training and Intercultural Education is updated and link to the Internal DEI Program/Training Credit Consideration form can be found on the webpage for the lecture mentioned below.


Addiction Sciences Division


Open Rank/Assistant Professor (UNIV, Full-Time): The successful applicant for this position will have either an MD or a PhD degree and will be expected to have an established and independent research program that will interface with the multidisciplinary NIAAA P50 Charleston Alcohol Research Center at MUSC. 


Open Rank/Professor (UNIV, Full-Time): The successful applicant for this position will have either an MD or a PhD degree and will be expected to have an established and independent research program that will interface with the multidisciplinary NIAAA P50 Charleston Alcohol Research Center at MUSC.





The use of the powerful opiate drug, FENTANYL is on the rise, accounting for a large share of overdose deaths in SC, and the greater US.


Previously, urine drug testing at MUSC could not detect Fentanyl use. The Clinical Neurobiology Laboratory has recently completed an extensive validation of a qualitative (positive vs negative) urine test for the presence of Fentanyl which can be used to distinguish this drug from other commonly used/abused opiates such as oxycodone, buprenorphine and morphine. This test should aid clinicians in the evaluation of patients in multiple clinical settings, especially when illicit drug use is suspected.


Simply order: “Fentanyl, Urine, Qual (IOP LAB)” or “LAB9066”


Program for Researchers Affected by Pandemic


COVID-19 Voucher Program

The College of Medicine, Hollings Cancer Center, and South Carolina Clinical & Translational Research Institute (SCTR) are pleased to offer a new funding opportunity open to all MUSC tenured and tenure track faculty members whose research has been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Funding of up to $2,000 is available to help investigators gather preliminary data for inclusion in a grant proposal by covering the cost of supplies and/or core and laboratory services; pay for publication costs; or develop a translational focus to their research. Vouchers cannot be used to fund computer purchases, PI or staff salary, or travel. These funds will be distributed through SCTR. A total of $200,000 is available to support these awards.


Who is eligible?

To be eligible to receive a voucher an individual must be a tenured or tenure-track faculty member and serve as PI on an active research grant. A faculty member can receive only one COVID voucher.



To apply for a voucher, select the COVID-19 Voucher Program in SPARCRequest. Awards will be made on a rolling basis until all funds are expended.

Individuals needing to contact the MUSC COVID Vaccine Call Center can utilize the information below:

The COVID-19 Vaccine Task Force will be posting updates on the COVID-19 Vaccine intranet site, including information about the vaccine safety and efficacy, so our care team members can make an informed decision.


**Updated University Directives (effective May 20, 2021) can be found here.** 



The following resource provides MUSC Health lab and testing options pertaining to COVID-19. Included on this page is information regarding drive-thru and “pop-up” mobile COVID testing locations, antibody or serology tests, drive-in lab and nurse visits, and original/classic lab testing.


MUSC Health Lab & Testing Options



Due to the activity of COVID-19 within the hospital and community, all employees, residents, fellows and students within all MUSC entities are directed to begin daily self-monitoring for COVID-19 symptoms. This applies regardless of whether you have been working remotely on a full-time or intermittent basis. You need to continue daily self-monitoring, even if symptoms are not present.




In addition to updates provided by MUSC Enterprise, the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences will also provide updates through our employee intranet, The Horseshoe. Updates will be provided regularly as new information becomes available. For your convenience, direct links are provided below.


Testing a Wearable Telemedicine-controllable

taVNS Device for NeuroCovid Recovery and Rehab


Researcher: Mark George, M.D.

PRO Number: pro00101270


The purpose of the research is to test out a new form of treatment where we stimulate a nerve in your ear. This is called transcutaneous (through the skin) auricular (ear) vagus nerve stimulation (taVNS) which means that you will receive stimulation through the ear. The taVNS device looks like an ear bud you would use with your smart phone or computer. We are investigating whether or not taVNS can treat neurologic symptoms of COVID-19 which are termed NEUROCOVID. Some symptoms you may experience are new onset anxiety, depression, vertigo, loss of smell, headaches, fatigue, irritability, etc. This study is entirely online and all assessments will be completed virtually.


Recruitment Contact

Sarah Huffman


If you would like to submit content to include in next week's Chair Update, please submit to Dr. Jamie Fisher by 12:00 pm on Monday. Thank you.
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MUSC Psychiatry | 67 President St., MSC 861, Charleston, SC 29425

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